While South Carolina has one of the most lengthy and liberal deer seasons within the United States, you must clearly understand the Rules & Regulations to maximize your legal opportunities within the State. The State is segregated into private versus public lands within six geographical game zones for residents and non-residents using archery equipment, black powder firearms and modern firearms. I am a resident who hunts on both private and public lands within Game Zone 2 and Game Zone 6. Beyond the Rules & Regulations you need to be at the "right place" at the "right time" based on diligent and sometimes persistent scouting. Scouting from my perspective is spending time in the woods to pattern travel routes and food sources. It does not rely on gimmicks, although I routinely test various hunting products to determine their effectiveness in the field. Listen carefully...nothing and I mean nothing is more important than scouting to increase your odds for success with the possible exception of well managed food plots.
As a proponent of "quality deer management" I have been selective in my harvest. I have had 19 deer (4 bucks/15 does) in my scope this season. I elected to harvest only one...a mature, healthy doe pictured above. This doe accomplished two objectives...(1) it helped to balance the overall deer herd and (2) it provided a source of venison which my family does in fact eat. Technically, I can harvest 10 deer over the course of the season, but being from the "Old School" I do not harvest anything that I do not personally eat. Deer hunting is not a numbers game to me. It is a management tool and one to be treated with respect and dignity. Further, it is a time to be spent with family and friends of like mind. This morning my son, Brian, hunted with me which made the hunt (not the kill) all the more memorable. I look forward to many more hunts with him including his favorite game animal (wild hogs).