Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Whitetail Deer

Although primarily a Hog Blog, we do have other interests that tie into hunting feral hogs.

    Shown above are some of the deer that we have taken in the State of South Carolina.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Mr. No Shoulders

 Mr. No Shoulders

If you hunt the Low Country long enough, it is just a matter of time before you encounter Mr. No Shoulders.  This is a name we give to snakes; especially, the poisonous species such as diamondbacks, canebrakes, copperheads, moccasins and pygmies.  The picture above shows a water moccasins or cottonmouth.  He is a prime reason to wear snake boots in the swamps and thickets of the Low Country.  He is also a good reason to have a reliable, bright light when entering and exiting the route to your favorite deer stand.  Personally, I like the immortal words of Teddy Roosevelt when he said, "Walk softly and carry a big stick."   From my perspective this is one lucky snake in that the encounter and picture was made by Chris who deemed it no threat to him.  He left Mr. No Shoulders to keep the rest of us on our toes.